BSES HQ receives expedition field updates weekly so check back every Monday to see what has happened in the week gone by.

Friday, July 17

10 Days to go!!!

10 days to go before 42 intrepid Young Explorers depart for the Nubra Valley in the Indian Himalayas!

Keep on checking the blog for the latest info!!!

Jamie - expedition coordinator

Wednesday, July 15

Expedition Info

Click the interactive pdf below to read a brief overview of this year's extreme Arctic expedition:

Read more about the expedition on the BSES website - CLICK HERE

Team Himalaya 2009

A BSES expedition is formed of one or more 'fires'. A Fire is a group of people that historically would hold 12 people in total as this was the number that the founding member of the society, Surgeon Commander George Murray Levick , believed fitted best around a camp fire.

Below are the Fires and their leaders:

Valley 1

Indus Fire
Shyok Fire
Leader Rob Lavin Leader Susan Ljensen

Young Laura Smith Young Grace Fforde
Explorers Melissa Vipond Explorers Rosie Halcrow

Rebecca Ellison
Tamsin Dyke

Connor Murray-Kirk
Alex Van Tuyl

David Leyland
Harry Kirwan

George Nodder
Jonathan Dixon

Harry Streuli
Matthew Allen

Joshua Vincent
Robert Henderson

Leo Bodger
Tim Fay

Richard Moore

William Sandcraft

Leaders not assigned to fires
Chris Horobin
Emily Baker
Andrew Pieri

Kath Baldock
Josh Davis
Valley 2

Karakorum Fire
Zanskar Fire
Leader Mick Pawley Leader Simon Watson

Dave Farrow

Young Emily Roberts
Young Elizabeth Culwick Explorers Rosie Bettle
Explorers Rosanna Jury
David Peacock

Victoria Cox
Luke Buswell

Jack Kennedy
Martin Cherry

James Curtis
Salem El Mouden

James Togher
Scott Andrews

John Waters
Stephen Harcus

Maximilian Hodges
Stephen Skews

Michael Smith
William Innes

Nabil Azouaoui

Leaders not assigned to fires
Samuel Swift

Mick Pawley
Neil Smith
Mary Slingo

Carolyn Mills
Tim Ward-Wilson

Support BSES

BSES is a youth development charity that has been running fieldwork expeditions since 1932. Our work simply wouldn't be possible without our funders, supporters and fantastic volunteer leaders.

If you feel you would like to contribute towards expeditions in future years and help more young people develop into more rounded individuals, you can do so by clicking the link below.

If you would like to support our charity, any amount large or small will be greatly appreciated. To find out more about BSES use the links on the right hand side.

Click below to donate now. Thank You!

Ladakh Expedition 2010

This expedition will be running again next year to enable us to conduct year on year fieldwork and build up a body of knowledge.

We are now taking applications for next years expedition as well as for other 2010 expeditions:

If you are between 16-23 and up for a potentially life-changing challenge, download an application form HERE

It could be you next year!